Hacia un diseño disciplinar inclusivo: Roles sociales del diseño industrial en Argentina

  • Pedro Senar

    UBA – Universidad de Buenos Aires


Industrial design has had, during the XX century, great debates around the

social role through which a theoretical-practical object has been constituted. Nowadays, some design Latin American practices, in a dialogue with productive units of non-affiliated sectors of the population, foster new ways of consideration of this social role. The executed experiences shape today a case studies group of relevance due to quantity and quality. We think it is necessary to deepen in the analysis as a way to get closer to the possible reach of the discipline and to the capacity to generate integration and autonomy. The current work has the purpose to make an approach to the design as a technology for the social integration of different forms of material and symbolic production looking for the “recovery of the capacity of social decision of the use and the aims of this technology”


La descarga de datos todavía no está disponible.


Cómo citar
Senar, P. (2011). Hacia un diseño disciplinar inclusivo: Roles sociales del diseño industrial en Argentina. Otra Economía, 3(4), 98-121. Recuperado a partir de https://revistaotraeconomia.org/index.php/otraeconomia/article/view/1127

Economía Social y Solidaria: experiencias y sujetos